I only have a couple more days with my project, and it feels like I have only just begun. I know I won’t stop writing, but I’m a little worried I won’t be as motivated once my month is up. I’ve written many things that haven’t made it to social media, some of which will never be posted. It’s been fulfilling and completely scary to think about myself so much over the month. I think I will want to focus outward a bit when I return to London.
Today we are going sailing to Aegina for the whole day. I’m excited to get a change of scenery. I’ve always liked being out on open water; it makes me feel a bit like a pirate without all the pillaging and plundering. Someday, I’d like to take some time off and sail the Greek Islands. It’s one of those trips I always talk about but never seem to plan. I need to pick a year and make it happen, maybe next year.
There are so many options in this world and so many things to experience. Today’s post will be short because I don’t want to waste a minute of the day. It’s time for some sun, waves, and swimming. Wish you were here!